Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases

    Atherosclerosis and its related vascular problems are the main causes of heart and brain diseases, leading to heart attacks and strokes. In the United States, it is estimated that someone has a heart attack every 20 seconds, totaling over 1 million heart attacks each year. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a top cause of death, impacting more than 60 million Americans. In Western countries, they account for more than 40% of all deaths.

    What is Atherosclerosis?

    The most common heart disease, atherosclerosis, refers to the thickening and hardening of the arteries. It develops when fatty substances, cholesterol, calcium, and other materials build up on the artery walls, forming plaque. This buildup can partially or completely block blood flow. When a blood clot forms on the plaque, it can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Inflammation is a key factor in atherosclerosis, often associated with an imbalance of magnesium. Magnesium helps calm the heart, dilate arteries, and inhibit platelet aggregation. Including magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, and seeds or taking supplements (400-800 mg/day) can support heart health and reduce arterial plaque.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective

    In TCM, atherosclerosis is linked to an imbalance in the Heart and Liver meridians. The Heart governs blood circulation, while the Liver ensures smooth blood flow. When these meridians are blocked or weakened, it can lead to poor circulation and blood stasis, contributing to plaque formation. Herbs like Hawthorn berry (Shan Zha) and Dan Shen (Salvia root) are often used to enhance blood flow and dissolve stagnation in the arteries. Hawthorn, in particular, helps reduce vascular permeability and strengthens coronary blood flow, potentially lowering blood pressure. Integrating hawthorn into one’s regimen, as directed by a practitioner, can provide natural support for a healthy heart.

    Chakras and Heart Health

    From an energy perspective, the Heart Chakra (Anahata) is central to emotional and physical heart health. When this chakra is balanced, it fosters love, joy, and compassion. However, if it is blocked, it can result in feelings of anger, grief, or emotional instability, potentially affecting heart function. Practices like heart-opening yoga poses, meditation, and expressing gratitude can help balance the Heart Chakra and support cardiovascular health. Additionally, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) can assist in improving heart function on a physical level by shuttling oxygen into heart muscle cells, reducing heart failure symptoms, and improving energy production. Taking 60-200 mg/day of CoQ10 can further enhance the effects of heart-focused meditation and emotional balance.

    Who is at Risk?

    Atherosclerosis is a gradual condition that often begins in childhood. Nowadays, people in their 30s and 40s are increasingly at risk, particularly men. Risk factors include:

    1. Lifestyle: Smoking, lack of exercise, and poor diet.
    2. Medical Conditions: Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    3. Age and Genetics: Older age and family history can increase risk.

    To mitigate these risks, a holistic approach is needed. For example, incorporating Omega-3 fatty acids into the diet can maintain cell membrane health and reduce inflammation. These essential fatty acids help keep blood vessels flexible and lower cholesterol levels. Consuming 1,000-3,000 mg of Omega-3s daily from sources like flaxseed, cold-water fish, or supplements can support cardiovascular health and prevent atherosclerosis progression.

    The Role of C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

    C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of inflammation in the body, produced by the liver. High levels of CRP are linked to a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes, even when cholesterol levels are normal. CRP tests are becoming more common in evaluating cardiovascular risk. Physical activity, weight loss, and anti-inflammatory practices can lower CRP levels. Additionally, antioxidants like Vitamin E (400-1200 IU daily) can reduce inflammation, strengthen artery walls, and improve oxygen supply to the heart, further supporting the body’s natural healing process.

    Diet for Atherosclerosis

    Diet plays a vital role in managing and preventing atherosclerosis. A heart-healthy diet should include:

    1. Healthy Fats: Opt for olive oil, flaxseed oil, and Omega-3-rich fish.
    2. Fruits and Vegetables: Boost intake of a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
    3. Limit Sugars and Fats: Reduce intake of refined sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats found in processed foods.
    4. Avoid Excess Caffeine and Alcohol: These can raise blood pressure and contribute to plaque buildup.

    Garlic is another beneficial addition to the diet, as it improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls and prevents platelet aggregation. Regular consumption of garlic, either through food or supplements (1-3 tablets or a few cloves daily), can aid in keeping arteries clear and blood flowing smoothly. Furthermore, pomegranate juice, rich in antioxidants, may lower LDL cholesterol and slow plaque development on arterial walls. Including pomegranate juice in daily dietary choices can enhance the protective effects of a heart-healthy diet.

    Emotional Connection to Heart Health

    Emotions like stress, anger, and grief can have a significant impact on heart health. Research shows that chronic stress and negative emotions can alter heart function. Managing stress through mindfulness, emotional healing, and maintaining positive emotions can support heart health. This emotional balance can be complemented by supplements like L-arginine and L-carnitine, which improve blood flow, lower cholesterol, and support nitric oxide production in blood vessels. Including these amino acids in the diet, as directed by a healthcare practitioner, can further support cardiovascular health and the body’s ability to cope with stress.


    Atherosclerosis is a complex condition influenced by diet, lifestyle, emotions, and overall health. By adopting a balanced diet rich in healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and heart-supportive supplements like magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, and others, individuals can proactively reduce their risk of cardiovascular diseases. Integrating holistic practices like stress management, TCM herbs, and chakra balancing can lead to better heart health and overall well-being. Understanding and addressing the body’s needs at multiple levels is key to preventing and managing atherosclerosis naturally.